The Bakers never lose, which is why our roof is now covered in solar panels. The walls, also, are covered in solar panels, which instantly makes us greener and more efficient than everyone on the street. We are the winners! Saving the planet faster than you losers!
Obviously our commercial solar solutions are better than everyone else’s, which is why my business is also decked out with solar panels. We had the money, because the business was doing so very well, and thus I was able to reduce our energy costs by 25%, possibly even more if the sun comes out. For you see, nothing brings me as much joy as knowing that I’m doing my part to preserve the planet for future generations. And also, it’s a slam-dunk for all those other businesses who weren’t as smart as me, Matt Baker, CEO supreme. We can put those energy saving stats on our website and that’ll tip the scales in our favour, not that we need it because we do such good business anyway.
Of course, the solar panels on our home are all in aesthetic spots. I personally really like the idea of solar panels and think they look great anyway, but my wife thought they were a bit much, so we arranged them so they were more subtle. Meanwhile, the office has a flat roof so we could get away with them just fine. Never mind…in the world of the future, solar panels will be the new wallpaper. Everyone will have them everywhere, and we’re just jumping on the trend early on account of us being so progressive and prophetic. Commercial solar systems really DO just make sense; they save money in the future for a small investment. The Bakers won’t settle for anything that isn’t the best, which is why we’re also upgrading our commercial LED lighting. Melbourne businesses are starting to really make a positive change towards are greener future. Even our basic lights are the best. It’s just how we roll.
-Matt Baker, the Baker Patriarch