My rabbit died. I had been her best friend since she was born. I watched her grow up and truly loved her more than anything. I’m shattered, but I’m grateful that my fiance is here to help me get through this. She knows that this type of pain can’t be healed with just a hug and comforting words, and so she took me to my favourite place on earth – the hardware store near Sandringham.
It’s just the type of place that can take away every problem you’ve ever had just because it’s so big. Instead of getting lost in my head, I get lost in the thousands of aisles around me. It’s hard to be sad in a place like a hardware store because there are just so many things readily available to distract me.
When my girlfriend dropped me off, I put my earphones in and just started walking. I think I walked almost one hundred laps of the store before I even considered asking for a lift home. It is kind of like meditation to me. I can walk around and look at the tools, without thinking about anything else. I didn’t have to think about the loss of my best friend. I could just stop, stare and move on, which was exactly what I needed.
At one point during my walk, I momentarily forgot about the passing of my rabbit. It was when I saw the timber supplies. Cheltenham has a really impressive hardware store to get supplies for building homes and kennels for pets. I wonder if these building supplies were designed specifically to make a little rabbit home? I perked up for a minute at the idea. And then I remember, so I put my head down and kept walking. I’ll admit, that hurt quite a bit.
Now that I’ve spent a couple of hours in the hardware store, I’m ready to open up to my fiance. I’m so glad that I have her. She’ll help my heart heal.