
Unicorns and Welding

I just wish these unicorns would leave me alone, but they think I’m the coolest guy in the world. It all started when I saw an advertisement for a welding course at the local TAFE, which claimed that welding is the number one career that attracts women. It made the staggering promise that girls would …

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Being a Landlubber

Alright, I don’t actually know what I’m doing. I bet I’m now one of those people, the ones that all the other, experienced seafaring folks look down upon, all because I’m here trying not to immediately steer right into the docks when I take off. Meanwhile, they’re basically lying back and steering the boat with …

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Everyone Needs a Boat

Why is it that sports always reward things that don’t have a purpose? Like, is physical activity for the sake of itself really so wonderful? It’s great that you can plant a pole in the ground and hurl yourself over a bar, but…that’s not going to be useful, ever, period. Jumping a long distance in …

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